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How to write a CV

A CV is the first opportunity to tell an employer what you can do. Your CV is an important part for when you are job searching.  

Before starting to write your CV sit down and make lists of any job or work experience you have had, any skills or achievements you may have which might help in the job role and any hobbies you like to do in your spare time. This will help you out when writing your CV.  

What is a CV 

A CV (curriculum vitae) lets you to summarise your education, skills and experience, selling yourself to employers.  When writing your CV only include main facts as employers want to read only relevant information.   

What to include 

Contact detailsinclude your full name, home address, mobile number and email address. You do not have to include your date of birth.  

Profile – this is placed at the beginning of your CV. It is a paragraph that highlights your key reasons for applying for the job. Pick out a few relevant skills that match the job you are applying for. 

Education – list and date all previous education, starting with the most recent.  
Work experience and job history- write down any places you have worked or done work experience making sure that is relevant to the job you are applying for. Write a little about what you did why it could help you in the job role.  

Skills and achievements skills and achievements don’t have to be formal awards, it could be anything you are proud of achieving. This could include finishing a project or helping someone out. This should be included as it allows the employer to get a good picture of you as a whole person.  

Hobbies and interests – this section is not that important but if you have hobbies or interests in the job that you are applying it gives the employer a stronger understanding of you as a person.  

References your referees should be previous employers or past teachers, don’t worry about writing all details down in this section, you can just write their full name, address and phone number.  
How to write a good CV 
  • Once you have completed your first draft go over it and check for any spelling or grammar mistakes 
  • Choose a clear font that is readable
  • Tailor each CV to the role that you are applying for 
  • Update your CV when you gain a new skill or qualification  
  • A CV should be no longer than two sides of A4 paper. 
There are many places to help out if you are stuck writing a CV you can get free CV templates online, or pop into Canvey Youth Project/Yellow Door and we will help you to write a strong CV to help you get the job you want.  

Yellow Door Volunteer - Jessica Cuthbertson  


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